The Dawn Of The Afri-Mythic Genre


We tell our legendary tales from Africa through art…
Set against the backdrop of an enchanting Zululand, our tales are richly textured with all that we have learned from our elders.
Unveiling new horizons in art, we blend myth, legend and magic in each art piece, capturing the charm of our people, our creatures and our customs.
Working with ethically harvested Nguni hides, we strengthen our connection to
land and nature, allowing the diversity of colors from the beautiful Zulu cattle
complement the inspiration behind each tale.
And so we catch dappled sunlight dancing over a rhino with her calf, or create
the atmosphere of awe as an elephant emerges from the darkness of night into
the moonlight…
In the heart of Zululand, elders gather around firesides to share their tales. This
is the hearth of collective consciousness where flickering flames illuminate the
traditional screen of life. Images larger than life loom and dance across the cave walls breathing life into heroic tales and embedding the elders’ silhouetted gems of wisdom in the archives of imagination.
The authenticity of material and style of the Afri-Mythic genre evolved out of our
desire to honour the legacy of our elders’ tales in a truly original and exclusive
The distinct uniqueness of each Nguni cow’s coloring sets it apart from the
herd - this characteristic bestows the status of one of a kind to each piece of
our art.
By investing in a unique, one of a kind Vukari creation, you too enrich our legendary legacy by nurturing the fire of the elders and honoring the gift of
their heritage.
Let their stories thunder afar.