Meet The Home Team

Barry Leitch the Founder of Vukari

I am also known as Mkhomazi by the Zulus, which means Flooding River. The wilderness of Africa has always spoken to me, stirring the passion within me to share her bounty of stories. As synchronicity would have it, kindred spirits have been drawn to me over the years to eventually become part of the Vukari team.

The Beehive

Bees need flowers, flowers need bees. The warm beauty of this symbiosis is reflected in the Vukari team where the role of each member is of equal value to the whole. Unique experiences from the school of the wilds enrich the cross-pollination of ideas, while individual strengths provide the excellence necessary for the successful completion of each unique art piece. We distil the nectar of our dedication and stories into art, into the purest creative expression of the African Experience. Through our art we rise above the challenges of living in Africa by focusing on her enchantment, allowing that inspiration to envelop us in the artistic realm of our creation. We seek to breathe fire and life into the tales and legends of the African wilds, and we invite you to enter into our realm of enchantment. Be inspired by the charm of traditional culture, by the true beauty of Africa herself.


    Project Uplift

    We are all passionate about "bringing change to other people's lives". Historically, we have done this on many platforms including education, Nguni cattle farming and wildlife conservation. Several members of the team, including Barry Leitch, have had lifelong involvement in community projects in various capacities. With the success of Vukari will come more resources to continue this passion.