Love & Marriage

Zulu symbols of love.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and the symbolic meanings are known only to the lover & the loved. Given as a gift, a promise, this is a language written in colors & design.

Each message unique:

Red: fire of passionate love with a glow as its center are pure.
Blue: Cool winds blowing for a troubled soul. Infinite without blemish. The raindrops bring in blessings.
Black: Strength. Gravitas or being in “a dark place of being”.
White: Innocent & pure.
Green: The green grass of loneliness. “I have become as thin as a blade of grass in my pining for you”.

The short skirt of a maiden. The engagement beads. The beads of the cumberbelt… a celebration of motherhood. The shield … a man who will protect those he loves.

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